What is DDNS (Dynamic DNS) used for?

Description of DDNS (Dynamic DNS)

DDNS or Dynamic DNS are other names for Dynamic Domain Name Systems.

The standard DNS uses A or AAAA DNS entries to connect domain names to IP addresses. Dynamic DNS can automatically update and change the host’s IP address. The users can access it even if their IP address changes.

An easy service to use is Dynamic DNS. When your ISP changes your IP address, it is simple for you to access your hosted services. You may utilize your home network for CCTV cameras with DDNS, for instance, or you could have a web hosting server, mail server, database server, etc.

Free Dynamic DNS service with amazing features and benefits!

Why would your IP address change if the ISP did? The network can actually be managed more easily that way. The clients are given a set period of time to use the IP addresses under the lease. A DHCP server, which the ISP typically uses, is given this responsibility. Customers will get a new IP address once that brief period has passed.

A simple-to-use and set-up solution is Dynamic DNS. Almost every situation may be served, and it is generally free.

Advantages of DDNS

  • It is simple to install and operate.
  • Administrators now have more time to complete other crucial activities thanks to the automation of monitoring IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) changes and upgrading to the new ones.

DNS monitoring: Definition & Benefits

  • Human mistake is decreased through automation.
  • It costs almost nothing, and with some companies, it’s even free. By obtaining a static IP address, you can also eliminate the danger of downtime that IP address changes bring about. However, it costs money to own its exclusivity.
  • Dynamic DNS addresses a significant shortcoming of traditional DNS: the difficulty in connecting a hostname to an address given by a protocol like DHCP.
  • In addition, DDNS use the same port as DNS, which could be UDP or TCP/IP port 53

How to implement it?

A few preparations must be made before you start.

  1. Find a Dynamic DNS service provider that offers a plan that satisfies your needs. Numerous free Dynamic Domain Name System services are also accessible. If you need more clarification on what you need, we suggest that you start with a free plan.
  2. Establish a profile.
  3. You must create a host that will be dynamically updated inside of a Forward DNS zone. Try to picture example.com. Following each update from the ISP, the router will transmit the new IP address to the name server, which will then update the name record.


If you need to use internal network services from across the Internet, Dynamic DNS (DDNS) is your best decision. With the help of this feature, you can manage your network devices without having to modify their settings by hand each time the IP address changes. So, it’s worthwhile to give it a shot!

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